

Støkebird & AI

Here you'll find the story behind this site - and how I have used this as an opportunity to explore the emerging technology of AI and it's role in development of graphics and content for sites like this, as well as some of the before & after art, as well as loads of unedited art directly out of the AI .

I hope you enjoy your time here and find everything you need to know about this exciting event - I want to thank you for taking an interest in the process behind this site, as a lot of hard work and MANY MANY hours have gone into creating this site, and the artwork for this event.

With that being said, let's dive into this, as I would like to acknowledge the contributions of my helpful assistants, DALL-E and Chat GPT, and take a closer look at the roles they have played.

DALL-E, Cory, and Støkebird's Art

DALL-E has been instrumental in creating the graphics and art for the website, as well as for our merchandise. Working with DALL-E can, honestly, be a bit of a challenge, as it requires careful crafting of prompts to get the desired results, and sometimes things can get... funky... However, with a bit of practice and patience, DALL-E has proven to be a powerful tool for creating unique and eye-catching visuals that have expanded the variety and styles of artwork I can create and utlize for projects like this. Of course, Photoshop was required to finalize and tweak the graphics to get them just right, as well as to make anything that even remotely resembles a Onewheel, since DALL-E has NO idea what they are.

Along the way, there were literally thousands of images created, some of which are shared on this page, just for fun, as not everything that was made works for our needs, but it was fun to make, and explore what the current state of AI is able to do (and not do!)...

I hope you enjoy this page, and some of the fun art we've created along the way.

Editing: Before & After

Chat GPT + Cory = Rapid Content

Chat GPT, on the other hand, has been invaluable in helping to write and organize the content for the website. Not only does it know what a Onewheel is, and even understands our culture a little bit, but over the course of dozens of conversations, I shared with the AI all of the details about Stokebird that I could, as well as more details about the kinds of riders who will join us, and our plans. Chat GPT then used its language processing capabilities to help summarize and structure this information into the pages you see here. While Chat GPT's contributions are largely based on the information I provided, it also added its own insights and ideas to help make the website as informative and engaging as possible, even going so far as to be able to add in details about locations and specific hotels. The collaboration with the AI made development significantly more rapid with well-written summaries that helped to shape the content of the website into something vastly more well developed that it otherwise would have been.

Artificial Intelligence & Støkebird

Overall, the role of AI in the creation of the Stokebird website and artwork was an incredible experience. Chat GPT and DALL-E are amazing new tools, and I am grateful for their help in bringing Stokebird to life

I do think, given the debate around AI today, it is important to note that it's role in all of this was to help inspire and speed things up by providing a framework and inspiration I could work with and refine to suit my needs. AI can be a powerful tool, but we must remember that it's just that - just another tool. It takes a lot of hard work and effort to bring everything together and create something amazing, and that's exactly what we did with this site for Støkebird.

So when you're browsing the website, keep in mind that it's the result of many hours of conversation and collaboration between myself and Chat GPT, and lots of hard work creating images with DALL-E, MANY hours of exploring prompts and refining them to yield the images I needed for this project's various requirements. I really do very much hope you enjoy it, and are as stoked as I am about the results!

We all hope you have a great time at Stokebird and I look forward to seeing you there!

-Cory Boehne

DALL-E Støkebird Gallery

Below, you'll find a variety of prompted AI designs. These are only a very few of the MANY that were made, and contain some of my favorite designs. A few of the best will be found integrated into artwork that was done for merchandise, and many more can be found throughout this website.